Sign-up for the alpha


In depth SERP analysis of your competitors in easy to understand metrics

Getting the best insights in how to create the ultimate pages for your website

Get more out of your keywords, and get to know new keywords you can focus on

Write better content with correlating keywords to increase your reach through organic search

What is Corrollo

Corrollo is a tool that helps you to understand your competitors better, find new ideas and better keywords to focus on. It analyses the top result and gives feedback what can be used to optimise your own website, landing pages or other marketing campagens.

Simple to use, easy to understand in-dept reports that helps marketeers, copywriters and webdevelopers understand why and what activities will result in the best possible outcome for the organic search result page (SERP).

The tool is still in development, and we at Corrollo are still testing out new and better features. Help use by trying out our Corrollo tool for free in the alpha when it launches. Join the alpha sign-up today and be the first to experience the great benefits of Corrollo!

Sign-up for the Alpha

Corrollo will open the alpha fase soon, be the first to test it, sign-up now to get your account as soon the alpha version is ready!